教統局於本年(2004)十月二十日發表高中及大學學制改革發表諮詢文件, 建議香港學制為三年初中、三年高中及四年大學;
我基本上是贊成的, 因為教育的目標不單是增進學生知識, 也要啟發他們的思考, 並讓他們與社會時代俱進, 透過"通識教育" (Liberal Studies)讓學生懂得如何適應現在瞬息萬變的經濟社會, 及應付未來的社會需要及人生挑戰!
但是"通識教育" 的性質是應該為"開放式"(或"解放式")的教育, 即是非填鴨式的教育, 不該有固定的課本, 也不可能有固定的課本, 研讀的課題也不必一定有也不可能有一既定的或是固定的答案, "開放式"教育的目的主要是鼓勵學生主動找資料及讓學生主動提出問題去思考及說出自己的看法, 並互相討論, 藉以深化對課題及問題的認識!
同學及朋友們, 你認為呢?
Every argument we are having behind is the assumption of "self-maximization" which is not necessarily bad in its nature under specified "constraints". Nowaday everyone just want to enjoy the free lunch at zero cost.
The optimum solution to the provision of education is still --- "let the market decides" and "less government intervention".
For the education, the argument is the effectiveness and quality of teaching.
Free up the education market and let the parents and school decide the educational implementation. The government should stop the intervention but just to act the role of supervision.
As Milton Friedman asserted ---the government should give every of our child an "education coupon" so that the parents can choose their schools and the schools can choose their own way to realize their eduacational ideals.
The schools will work hard and find its own way to deliver the most effective and quality education in order to attract the students (actually will be decided by their own parents).
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